95% of the neighbors signed a petition against rezoning a residential property to Commercial on Hendricks Ave. City Council voted to change the zoning anyway. The neighbors felt there was enough commercial property on Hendricks Ave. and that it posed a safety issue for school children at the elementary school. They don't want historic San Marco to turn into a road like Emerson Street. And I don't blame them. This piece of property touches five pieces of residential property. I thought City Council was supposed to stand behind the people. They voted 11-6 Tuesday to approve the change of zoning on Hendricks Ave.
After losing support of Council member Art Shad, the bill was withdrawn in a 19-0 vote.Paul Harden and his brother Steve decided against rezoning the residence. The neighborhood is really thankful. In the end, that sentiment of the neighborhood persuaded City Council members; not lobbyists. Thank you to Art Shad and the other city council members who finally stood with this San Marco neighborhood!