Gutenberg is the new editor by WordPress 5 and it was released on December 7, 2018! The main question everyone is asking is whether their website will be compatible or it will mess everything up. Here’s what you need to know for the new upcoming WordPress 5 update.
How to start using Gutenberg and to how to fix main issues – Video Tutorial
WordPress 5 will be a major update that could impact the majority of websites. The so-called “Gutenberg” will add a new way of creating and editing pages or posts.
The editing page will replace the simple body field with a new interface page using blocks. We will have blocks for a paragraph, block for headers, block for images and everything will be contained within block. The new way will be cleaner and minimalistic and supposedly more user-friendly, but it may create a big problem especially for purchased themes.

You can create your own layout and everything using a block.
Most of the commercial themes use plugins such as WP-Bakery, Elementor or, Fusion Builder which are plugins that let users customize their posts the same way Gutenberg does. The main problem is we don’t know if these blocks will be understood by Gutenberg or if these plugins will continue to work.
At the moment, we don’t know for sure how WordPress 5 will implement this new feature and how smooth the transition will be. One thing for sure, theme creators will need to be very proactive to prevent any problem. That’s another CON of purchased pre-built themes (templates). Read pros and cons of buying a wordpress template
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